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The day

Today is a special day 4 me and her … also a sad day 4 me la but no 4 her la because 2day is her freedom day …is my Breaking up day with her almost 3 year ago .That day I feel like the sky are going rain everything has become useless 2me our love start at form2 but end at my friend birthday party with nothing n she just tell me we are no suitable together. But at the next few week she call a person to tell me 1 to Compound with me but I don’t accept the Request. But now she say don’t 1 be friend with me and don't 1 compound with me but she 1 our relationship maintain at between friend and lover. What is this relationship??? Whatever la …just hope she happy every day .Now seeing her very happy with her bf hope that the Happiness will till 4ever. Hope also her final exam can score high ...high mark.

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